
The five P's for Fatherhood 
1. Preside
2. Partner
3. To be Present
4. To Provide 
5. To Protect 

I decided to create a short interview with my dad, since I was home for Thanksgiving this week, to get his perspective about fatherhood. My dad is is a man of few words and he had just woken up from a nap when we did this so his answers may not fully display his whole opinions on each question but I got what I needed.

1. Question: What do you think are the main responsibilities as a father?
    Answer: to provide for your family and to lead
2. Question: What do you think are some important qualities a good father should have?
    Answer: Patience, patience and some more patience. That's about it. If you have that, you'll  probably be  fine. 
3. Question: Who have been some good role models to you?
    Answer: I don't know, my pops and different leaders that I have had 
4. Question: Why is fatherhood so important?
    Answer: Provide direction to the directionless. 

I'll also take this opportunity to brag about my dad a little bit. While my siblings and I were growing up, my dad was going to school and working full time. He is a physics major too, so it wasn't easy at all. I applaud him because I honestly don't know if I could handle that kind of stress every day and then go home to three loud and annoying kids and then get no sleep because we keep him up. I don't know how he did it, but I think it's amazing that we all ended up great. My dad took on all of these roles very well and since I am the oldest, I think I got to see him become a better and better father with trial and error and learning about how to be a better one.


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