
Showing posts from December, 2017


Before the 70’s the only divorce allowed was for abuse, addiction and adultery. Then during the 70’s there became this thing called a “no-fault” divorce. This is when a couple just no longer wants to work on their marriage and there is no “bad guy”. This makes it more difficult for children and the whole custody thing a whole lot more difficult. Some reasons for divorce for the modern time is now there is no need for economic support, independence, empowerment, reliance on family of origin, prenuptial agreements, and so forth. There are five different types of divorce that take place within a single divorce. The first is emotional divorce. This is when the couple realizes that they have no emotional attachment towards one another. The second type of divorce is the legal divorce. This is where the couple goes to court and they have to reason with a judge that they should no longer be married. The third type of divorce is the economic divorce. This is where all the stuff separates and t


What is the purpose of parenting? It is to p rotect and prepare children to survive and thrive in the world they live in. Parenting is more for parents than for children. Because when adults don't become parents they can't learn a lot lessons that parents can. For example, parents learn patience, unconditional  love, how to keep children healthy and happy, and the reason for why families are so important.  RESPONSE-ABILITY Choices + consequences = responsibility Would God punish us every time we did something wrong? No, so we shouldn't punish our children every time they make a mistake. Because they are human too. They are learning how to be little humans in this big world. One way to figure out the best way for solving problems with your children is first asking w hose problem is it? If it is the child's problem, they should learn from natural consequences. Except if it is too dangerous, too far off in the future, and if it affects other people. If it is bo