Stress and Coping

Make stress your friend. Stress only has a negative impact on those who think it is negative.
We learn from stressful situations.
We normally think of stress as an undesirable thing, but
Coping: Making small, thoughtful adjustments to withstand problems

Ineffective Coping patterns
1. Denial
A defense mechanism where people do not believe what they are going through.
2. Avoidance
Knowing that there is a problem, yet avoiding the confrontation to fix it.
3. Scapegoating
Putting all of the blame on one person, who is usually the victim and thus further victimizes them.

Effective Coping
1. Affirm your own and your family's worth
Going through hard times can cause some serious self esteem issues with individuals and how families view themselves as a whole. It is hard to remember through the midst of trials and stress that you are worth more than what you are going through,
2. Take responsibility
This means that  you will not deny or blame the problem but also not play the victim, even if you have been victimized. Use the problem as a tool to learn new skills whether it be forgiveness and problem solving.
3. Balance self-concern with other-concern
Being totally self-focused isn't the right way to go. The best way to feel better is to serve others. We feel better about ourselves and the other person feels better as well through our service.
4. Learn the art of reframing
5. Find and use available resources
Lean on religion, extended family members, friends, therapists etc. These things are placed here for your benefit. Use them wisely!


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