Week One

As you may be able to tell, I have never blogged before. I thought that this would be an easy thing, but when you're not very creative, like me, it's a little tough. Besides that, I should probably introduce myself before I go off on some sort of tangent... My name is Ashley Clawson. I like brownies,  Dr. Pepper and a proud supporter of singing your favorite song at the top of your lungs and dancing as a cure for most things in life.  I'm studying Marriage and Family at Brigham Young University-Idaho. My goal is to be a marriage and family therapist. I have two younger siblings who are type one diabetic, a dad who is bald, and a mom who is deaf. My family is cause for some interesting stories.

(From left) Lulu, our favorite family friend, my sister Emma,
my dad, my mom, me and my brother Luke. 

This photo is a bit outdated, but it's the best one we all have together. Just imagine my younger brother a lot taller. We all love each other, but we also fight sometimes, which is bound to happen when you live with the same people for your whole life. And I'm going to take a wild guess to say that we are not the only family. Which is why I'm writing this blog! 
Just a disclaimer, I'm just an undergraduate college student learning about how families work, researching social science articles and reading my textbooks about the best ways to raise a family. Another disclaimer, I am not married, nor have I raised any children. I just think that families can really shape us into the person we become. We all are affected by it whether we know it or not and I think that it is important for children to be raised in an environment where it can benefit them the most because they are our future. 


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